Monday, March 16, 2009

Meatatarian: Food Recon at Jen's Local Albertson's

Sunday night Jen and I walked from her apartment to the nearby Albertson's and continued in our last minute local food recon. In the hour we were there I think we managed to make it through three isles, all that checking labels is time consuming. After placing a few of our finds into those little plastic baskets which get too heavy too fast, we opted for a shopping cart, and perused the fruits and vegetables area. We noticed a trend of false advertisement in that the signs read "Product of USA," but the stickers on the food read, "Product of Mexico."

Another problem we noticed with many of the labels is they have distribution locations which are not necessarily the same as the area where the food was grown. We decided, while checking label after label, that if the distribution area was the only location given, then we would have to make a judgement call based on the proximity of the distribution center to S/BC.

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of Eco Adventures: Meat Vs. Veggies!!!

Oh, BTW we will be posting a list of food brands and their respective locations in future blogs.

Peace out, YO!

P.S. The damn Meatatarian ate at Pie Works today...but I'll qualify that comment later with pictures and a discussion of why Pie Works food is within the parameters of this experiment!

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